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Nathan Maynard – Performing Lines Tas

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Nathan’s is a descendant of the chief of the Trawlwoolway Clan and of the whole of the North East Tasmanian Indigenous peoples. Since the 1830’s, Nathan’s family have been known as the Maynards.

Nathan has 17 years’ experience as a dancer in schools and communities. In 2012 he performed in Shadow Dreams, a collaboration of Terrapin Puppet Theatre and the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra, and in 2013 and 2014 Nathan was selected as a participant in the Performing Lines Tas (known at the time as Tasmania Performs) Artists Residency program at Tarraleah. In July 2014 he was given the honour of delivering the “Welcome to Country” for the National Conference of the Australian Performing Arts Centres Association. A new play by Nathan, written for young performers and a young audience, was performed by the Aboriginal Children’s Centre at Risdon Cove. In 2014 Nathan was awarded a Tasmanian Regional Arts grant to develop his performance skills, the Vita Brown Bequest (funding the purchase of a lap top and software for writing), and an Arts Tasmania Aboriginal Arts Program grant for a year long career development program. He is also an emerging producer with Kickstart Arts. His play THE SEASON, developed with Dramaturge Peter Matheson and supported by Performing Lines Tas (known at the time as Tasmania Performs) was featured in the 2015 Yellamundie Festival produced by Moogahlin. Nathan was the recipient of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Artist of the Year Award in 2006 and 2013.
